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  • Story continuation

Upon entering main street you get a new quest.
Pursue continuation about it with Kanae.
Open Emilly shop and press her about those items. Someone may come to your help.

  • Town extension.

Union location has been moved to Main street.
Downtown main street.
Downtown main stairs street.
Downtown amity street.

  • 0.49.1 Traveling icons have been decreased in size, default color has been changed and it has now similar animation across all clickable objects. Thanks @Raine_Maxwell
  • 0.49.1 Fishing slider animation speed changed to more accurately reflect the underlying value. Thanks @Raine_Maxwell
  • 0.49.1 Small fix to fishing cursor position detection.
  • Day and night locations has been implemented. The event to change time will arrive next update.
  • Fishing, when reeling line doesn’t break as fast. Now there is a 3 second timer when fish is escaping before it snaps. Thanks @greenarrow25
  • Fishing instructions has been improved. Reeling doesn’t show click. Thanks @greenarrow25 @nick17 @molitar
  • Cleaning up a rod sprite which caused a moving vignette shadow.
  • Locations icons have been changed to be more consistent with each other. There is also new type of icons which are separated by entry or location spot.
  • API implemented to handle day and night cycle checking for ink story.
  • Shop item tooltip and inv tooltip now shows rarity name. Previously only item name was colored by rarity.
  • Card meeting buttons UI was changed.
  • Card meeting name font density increased for readability.
  • Card meeting image has now shiny animation.
  • Version title UI has been modified and added to main scene.
  • You can now freely toggle console with f2.
  • Several utility console commands have been added.
  • 0.48.5 - UI fix. Input code connector now closes when clicking out of the dialog box. Thanks @Imbibitor Lunae
  • 0.48.4 - Quick hotfix inventory invisible during some scenes due to button not found. Thanks @greenarrow25
  • 0.48.3 - Quick hotfix button not found during fishing preventing fishing. Thanks @greenarrow25
  • 0.48.2 - Cleaning shop feedback text on entry. Thanks @greenarrow25
  • 0.48.2 - Clearing travel to Dalia clickable background. Preventing of double clicking which soft-locked Dalia first entry story. Thanks @greenarrow25
  • 0.48.2 - UI fix for resolution setting. Thanks @greenarrow25
  • 0.48.1 - Quick fix item id definition missing from runtime item.




Yay, a way to make money, interesting how Kanae immediately starts fangirling at the mere mention of fishing, to the point that she blocks out everything else and insists on teaching MC how to fish. Might be fun seeing how we could potentially befriend her with this and whatever other hobbies she's got. Also, Emily you filthy little man hating bitch, I officially refuse to do any unnecessary interaction (talking, touching, ect) with you until you confess your wrongdoing and beg to be forgiven, I want to see consequences for your vile behavior. Mara, I still want you to acknowledge you are in the wrong too.


The Cursor has set my friend's ADHD to hyper focus. How much to get a cursor like this for the PC


If you mean the cursor trail, there is an option in settings for this.


No I mean your game's cursor, I would like it for the desktop.


To have this kind of cursor outside of the game. You would need some other application that changes the cursor look like that. I don't know of any that does this for windows desktop.

David Edwards

I cant find the download link


It's in the welcome message https://www.patreon.com/Hikkeiru/membership


It's in the welcome message https://www.patreon.com/Hikkeiru/membership