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22.07 update. Next update is about 70% done.

Currently in the process of making a bigger story update.

Meanwhile, here's the changelog with this version changes.

  • Continuation of the story!
    Mara hears your conversation with Emi. What does she have to say about it?
  • Mara’s dialogue structure.
    Similar to previous updates. Open ended conversation style dialogue.

For every suggestion how to improve the game. Thank you. ❤️

  • Choices marking end of dialogue have an icon associated with the choice.
  • Unity build pc to il2cpp.
  • Text writing speed increased.
  • Correct order or background. Sometimes when animated background took too much time to load. The next sprite background took it’s place, making the animation play after the sprite.
  • Background state restoration now has a blink transition. Eliminates some situations where incorrect sprites overlay for a second in incorrect place. Also the save feel faster. 😎
  • Removed opening of the patreon page on the end screen. Thanks @****MrJay @Vladilen @Iwillbityoutomorrow @Bob Jared @EpicHentaiGamer69**
  • Setting to disable mouse trail. Thanks @****Xaky @triffids**
  • Setting to change dialogue font. Thanks @****Xaky**
  • Setting to change dialogue font size. Thanks @_tewi @****Xaky**
  • Disabling dialogue keys in start of the UI panels animation instead of ending. Thanks @Neechan-Lexi
  • Allowing resizable window. Thanks @****triffids @molitar**
  • Allowing clicking outside the dialogue box to continue. Thanks @****EstrangeNS @Kizuna___**
  • Also added numpad enter to continue dialogue buttons. Thanks @EstrangeNS
  • Text writer timer has been stopped when losing object.
  • Choice screen now blocking input on animation start instead of exit.
  • Card details animation silent error fix.
  • Speaker changed command silent error fix.
  • Can now change color and opacity of dialogue box.
  • Can now align text for preference.
  • History chat refreshes on entered instead of end of animation.
  • Adding Enter as a continue shortcut.
  • Main menu entry optimization.
  • Skip button changes. Thanks @****Xaky @Stupidkiller**
    The skip supports held and toggle state. Held state skips manually with history states.
  • Choices appear on end of skip and without extra click.
  • Ability to set text writing method Instant / typewriter. Thanks @AMereShadow
  • When save slot UI has no preview the image is set to none. Prevents using cached texture.
  • Button to open save folder has been added.
  • Thanks for proofreading. @Ryleona @FoxOfEmbers
  • Small character render UI clean after Emilly return with guild registered story.
  • Locking fps at 30 for phones.
  • Bottom buttons rearranged for better mobile use experience. Thanks @Kizuna___
  • Animations fix on linux platform. Transcoding all win/lin to VP8. Thanks @FoxOfEmbers
  • Allowing run in background on windows, linux, mac. Thanks @****FoxOfEmbers @Kizuna___**




I'm not entirely sure I wish to fuck Emily with her unjustly treating MC like this. Once again, sweet one my ass. She's so fucking lucky she gave those glasses rather than took the risk. Her first, forget Kanae for now, I want to punish Emily and make her beg for forgiveness. And I want her to be genuine about it to, not just begging to get mercy, if she isn't acknowledging her wrongdoing then there's no point.


She may have reasons to act safe.