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I'm working on "bad end" scenes for the upcoming Daenerys episode, and I would love to hear your ideas!

The comments section is yours. 

PS. She is not in Westeros.



I've deleted my last post as it's been confirmed that she is not in Westeros. Without knowing the plot for the upcoming episode, I guess a logical bad ending is for her to walk into a trap set by one of Cersei's spies. Or, the Dothraki turn on her and her female companions because they don't want to sail on the sea. Instead, they use them for fun


Dany wants to know what's what, but in that second Jorah enters the room smirking. She asks again, now adressing Ser Jorah. But Jorah just strolls through her room as she'd said nothing. She asks again: " Ser Jorah... ". But he interrupts her and yells that Ser Jorah is no more for he has become the crimson bear of the bear islands birthed out of anger and desperation, caused by Dany's constant cucking. As he explains that, more unsullied enter the room and tie Dany up to a poll in her room/tent. Short visualization of a battalion of unsullied surrounding Dany's tent or entrance to her room. "There's no way you will dodge this, my queen.", he says maliciously. Then he grabs one of the spiked beers and makes Renfri drink it, while being hold by the two guards. She quickly gets in the same mood as Arya and joins her in Dany's bed. Both now out of their minds start to long for Jorah's company. And he gets at it. Whilst being in the act he forces Dany to watch him with her allies and hate stares at her while being at it. As he finishes both he turns to Dany and recreates all the teasings Dany did with him before. After that: "You will give me now, what you owe me." And Jorah starts doing what he wanted from the beginning with Dany. Congrats if you read all of this, I hope I could give you some new ideas. Peace out.


One last note: Jorah breaks Dany's mind, because Dany shamefully likes what he is doing with Renfri and Arya and enjoys what Jorah does to her after that.


Two core ideas I would like to see 1. would be something along the lines of being enslaved by the sons of the harpy and having to live the rest of her life as a slave in the city she tried to free, maybe go through the process of being sold and becoming a lowly slave whore who works in the brothels. 2. would be the realization of what was talked about in season 6 when the Dothraki recapture her and say that she will be used by all of them and then their horses and make her the lowest slave in the Dothraki camp.

chad monk

On her travels someone puts something in her wine the drug makes her lose any sense she taking almost willingly to the slaverers kingdom in the south the king or chieftain of the so called kingdom is a ugly dark fat skinned male who see this pale beautiful girl and finds out who she is takes her and his doctor makes her fertile again and become on of his many breeding concubines the former Queen of the dragons is now a breeding slave and has many children too him too top it off she become obedient and loving to her master and uses her dragon to suppress any slave revolting the country


Any bad ( Good ) end where Dany ends up collared leashed to the foot of the iron throne with Cersei seated on it, preferably with dany inbetween her legs.