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Hi guys.

As you know, from 2nd season  we have bad endings for each MC. 

Now it is Sansa's turn.

Share you ideas: what would you like to see in that endings :) ?



Getting a very extended stay in Joffrey's dungeon we've seen in season 1.


Marching of shame. Walking naked with chains. Or chained to Iron throne as Joffrey personal pet. Or dekapited her when she opose too much to Joffrey.

Devourer of Plums

Her made a whore in Littlefinger’s brothel. Or kidnapped and made a sex slave.


Cersei/Joffrey give her to the peasants when they riot and she becomes free-use for the poor people of King's Landing


Becoming a servant to margaery and getting some sexy orders


Cersei forcing sansa to play with Lady so she can watch what they usually do at night


I was hoping that would happen with Arya (or something silmalar) but Sansa is a good second choice!


That would fit perfect for the story what we know from the show and books. It could be made by Sansa decition where she should run away, when get separte from the guards.

Andrew S

all the ideas above are good, being used by the guards, given to the peasants, a new group of bandits like season 1, but without the hound being there, the dungeon, kidnapped and either put in the brothel or sex slave, maester pycelle's plaything, caught by the faith militant/ walk of shame or some other demeaning situations


Sansa is forced to walk naked through the worst parts of town. And of course she is sexually molested there by the meanest, ugliest and most brutal men in town. After a while, depending on the decision made by her father from part 1, she is found by one of the two largest criminal gangs. 1) One group chases away the other criminals, only to then have their "fun" with Sansa. In the end, Sana (maybe) gets impregnated by her leader. Or 2) The other group that appears with the women. They too drive away the criminals. After that they also have their "fun" with Sansa. In doing so, they clearly show that the group hates nobles. What they end up doing with Sansa also depends on Sansa's behavior.


The summaries of Andrew and of Gambit and the ideas of Seamoose can all have an appeal, though I would take out the "impregnated", and put the "what happens in the end depends on Sansa's behaviour". I would suggested mixing, i.e. implementing all the possibilities mentioned would be too long, but maybe a combination with a kind of impact of choices. E.g. Pycelle, if she runs away, guards, peasants, bandits, or maybe dungeon with Margery and Joffrey doing their stuff with her, and then guards and peasants, since Joffrey is known to abuse and then throw away, would be coherent