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Guys, you can all play the first episode of the new WOT season. We've made some changes with this season: changed choice buttons, added "bad endings",  and some more.
And I need your opinion about this elements and game itself. 

Now I want to know what do you think about it - what do you like and dislike. I need to know if we should continue this in the next episodes. 

Let me know in the comments section below.




Liked the bad endings, maybe a even extend them a bit in length, dialogues etc.


I agree with ddos the Danny slave route would have been quite interesting with her accepting or defying her fate leading again to different outcomes etc.


That is what I meant. You can see sample in this Daenerys episode.


This bad endings should be short ones but satisfying. In other case it would require some more different paths, scenes and it would longer significantly creation of new episodes. So I'm asking are you satisfied with current approach or I just should skip it.


Keep it, if possible make it longer but keep it in any case.


In my opinion, you should keep it. It fit well for game of thrones and roll of fate and bad decition for heroes. Small question, there are two bad endings so far? One with snake and one with slavery?


Well, having some bad endings is not bad it itself, so you certainly can keep some, although I admit the snake one was surprisingly short and sneaky, like the snake bite (sorry, could not avoid the pun :-)). I also get the fact that you cannot expand too much the bad ending, without making them in full paths. On the other end, you may want to avoid the risk on the other direction, that by making too many bad endings, you end up constraining too much the story to basically one line that is a repetition of the TV serial (yes, I remember you said it is not going to be the case ;-)). Sorry to mix topics, but I noticed there also Sansa, Cersei and Margery all have quests/paths also in this episode - it is pretty good, and covers the parallel evolution of their story, but I wonder if that means the skills from the previous episode will be taken over from this one, or not (actually, as far as I recall, the only one with some explicit "skills" to train was Arya, and she does not seem to appear here).

Robert Arctor

Bad endings are the quickest way to lose interest in a game, in my view. There's nothing worse than the game telling you 'you made the wrong choice, even though you couldn't possibly know it was wrong, or you didn't like the other options; start again because I say so'. Even if sudden death fits the GoT theme, the story always continues with new characters, and some of the 'main' ones don't die... for a while ;) You could develop the story for a house, rather than a person. Important retainers and house members you really care for die all the time, but the house goes on. Have you seen the telltale version?


Have you seen how many people were developing telltale games ? It is different scale. Bad endings are just for fun and entertaining purpose. Sure, I can not do them anymore if more patrons will tell me that they don't like them.

Robert Arctor

Yeah that's totally fair, I only meant to suggest that as an option if you wanted to make individual characters meet a thematically appropriate fate. Completely different scale, I agree, and even the big studios have to work within their limits. I'm sorry the telltale devs all lost their jobs in the end, they were doing amazing work - but that's off topic. Please allow me to scale back my comment to 'Personally I don't think bad ends are entertaining or worth the time to develop or play.' Thanks for your quick reply :)