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 Hello everyone,

We are glad that you people like our demo, however we noticed that there were some doubts regarding what’s next and this post is meant to clarify these doubts.

Is the game free?

It is and it will always be, although patrons will receive the game earlier than the general public and support the game along the way.

Will the story be only told through Ned’s perspective?

Ned won’t be the sole protagonist of the game, instead the game’s story will be told through various characters through their PoV chapters, much like you are used to. The first episode will feature Daenerys, Arya and Tyrion as the PoV characters.

Game structure, will it be released in parts or as a whole

The game will be released in episodes, each episode will have PoV chapters of different characters.

Sihil mentioned something about bonus chapters….

Yes, he did but upon some discussion we have arrived to the conclusion that with the limited resources that we have right now it doesn’t make sense to use these resources to create a whole episode worth of bonus content that won’t even be accessible to most patrons. This stands to change as the funding increase. So as of now, the top tier patrons will be gifted with bonus renders or alternate versions of render not used in the game.

Will we get to see some RandomCharacter1xRandomCharacter2 action?

You might if you enough number of people ask for it.

Will we get to see some PodrickxRandomCharacter2 action?

Of course, Podrick is the real deal.

How much control will patrons have over the story?

While we know the general direction where the game is supposed to go patrons will be making a lot of important decisions through polls.

Can the characters choose multiple partners?

Yes, they will go seven hells for adultery… but yes.

Will our choices in the game have any real values or will it basically be a kinetic novel with no real choices?

Your choices will influence how the game ends and determine the kind of content you see in the game. Rest assured none of the choices in the game will be there just for the sake of being there. We hate dummy choices as much as you do.


It wouldn’t be a GoT parody without incest.

If you have any other queries please ask us in the comment section.

Much love,

Team WOT


Red Claw

So since this is Patron and it has some issues with the family relations part of adult content … How are you gonna approach this? (F95Zone and Lewdpatcher or hope for the best?) Are you open for suggestions or would you rather not have us give you suggestions?


Patreon terms about incest "...survivor stories or fiction such as Game of Thrones (...) are allowed on Patreon."

Robert Maxwell

Without holding your feet to the flames...how often do you intend to relase new content? I would like to be a patreon, but I worry that if it takes 6 months for an update i'll grow restless and ditch you in favor of a lesser artist that updates more often. I can do a smaller pledge for rare updates, but would like to be aware of when I might expect an update. I only ask because the nights are dark and full of terrors...


Because of the partners? Are they just one-time sexual partners, or can one have a permanent relationship with someone, depending on certain choices? Also independent of gender and / or possible blood relations?


Yes, we don't want to keep you waiting too long for updates so we've decided to divide updates for smaller parts. So we are planning make release every month - or one and a half months. It depends how complicated story will become.


Few characters will have lasting relationships with each other and few will be one time sexual partners. Lesbian relationships will be present in the game, we haven't thought about any gay scenes yet, incest, as mentioned earlier, is an important part of the world of ice and fire


Thank you for your prompt reply. I personally hope for an Arya / Sansa relationship. But you could also do a survey at some point, what would be the preferred pairings. But first, Merry Christmas


Are the slaves going to be the only characters we see in bondage, or will there be opportunities to hold captive the main cast, such as Daenerys, Arya, and/or Margerie?


Quick question, in the first release where you can play as Daenerys. And lets say she failed and made Drogo angry. where he sells her off. does the game end there? or will you add on to that.


The first chapter won't have this particular scenario you speak of but we were thinking of implementing this in the second chapter, it would be a bad end and not an actual path you can follow.