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  • Trick or Treat-Animation.mp4



Hi guys

i was just playing with some animations and i decided to use the Father and daughter from my Halloween comic, as you can see this is a really janky animation but i'll keep experimenting until i can get it right, let me know which of my character would like to see animated next.



It's quite good, the resolution is a bit low although. It will become more interesting if you develop it in transformation scenes as well.


excellent start. I'd love to see transformation animations too, but I understand that's an order of magnitude more difficult


its honestly not too bad, the boob animation is pretty realistic, if I had to be a critic about anything I would say there isn't any movement in her thighs which even if she was full muscle ( which she's not ) there would be a little bit of jiggle, and the resolution isn't that great but overall concept of animation, you did really good for your first one, a lot better than most first time attempts I've seen.


I'm always partial to the mom and nun from the Halloween series.