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Mother's day is coming close and you can bet that i'm making a comic about it, but first i need to ask you guys what is what you want to see in it, so leave your comments and i'll try to include your ideas in the upcoming comic 


Merv PH

How about an ordinary married couple on mother's day, and they both start changing until they can't keep their hands off each other, and they're doing it all over the house.


I would like to see a normal everyday mom going somewhere to shop, but then she has a random guy approach her. He asks her if she would like to buy some special mother's day outfits and she says that she'll take a look at them. She chooses a couple of dresses and takes them into one of the dressing rooms to change clothes. As she puts on one of the dresses, she notices that the dress is too big for her small frame. The guy asks if she needs any help and mom says the dress is too big. Guy shoots magic onto her through the curtain and her body fills out the dress to where it fits. Guy asks how does it fit now? Mom replies it's just not my style, but I'll try the other one. Mom undresses and puts the 2nd dress on which is even bigger than the 1st one. Guy makes mom's boobs and butt bigger to fill out the dress. She doesn't like it either. As she hands the guy the dresses over the curtain of the dressing room, mom tries to put her own clothes on, but they are too small now for her milf body. She asks guy to get her something that would fit her and the guy says I have the perfect outfit for your planned evening tonight. Guy grabs a stripper outfit hands it to her, but as she puts it on mom says wait I'm not a stripper and this outfit is too big for me. Guy says I can take care of that, as he shoots more magic into her to make her body stretch to fit her stripper uniform. Mom steps out the dressing room to show her revealing body parts in her new uniform. Mom says I demand you give me some proper fitting clothes now. Guy says sorry but you are wearing the biggest sized outfit in our entire store. Mom looks around and sees he is telling the truth. Mom pays for the outfit and guy says go here after your purchase, gives her an address. Mom goes to the place and when she walks inside the owner greets her and tells mom to get on stage cause it's about to start. Mom's on stage while the owner introduces her and states that since it's mother's day all the dances/VIP room visits are free no charge from the moms. Mom is shocked saying she isn't a stripper, musics begins, men are requesting dances from mom. Mom gets taken to the back room and mom has sex with many men. When daylight breaks, mom staggers out the club naked, covered in cum, walking back home. The guy from the store walks up to mom and asks did you have a memorable mother's day? Mom says it's one that I'm never going to forget. The end.


wow what an amazing story, i'm gonna try to make it but it may take some time