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Thanks for the support last month. I want to let you know that I'm chaging a few things that are not working on my Patreon: 
  • This will be the last month for Special Spots (+10 pledges), they will be removed soon, decrease your pledge to $3 if you want to support me. The reason is that  they are creating a lot of conflict and I end up not offering a good quality work for you,  maybe I bring them back again , but in the meanwhile I'm removing these rewards. Send me the last requests if you're one of them.
  • Filthy Donna continues the same, but will have no more than 8 pages per month. Postings will happen usualy on weekends.
  • I have a new description on my page and only one goal now, check it please.

As I had said, I feel I'm not offering a good quality work as I want to and makes me feel I'm deceiving who enjoys my art. 

If you have something to say I'm here to listen from you. 





It was nice while it lasted o(~w~)d


Damn, that's sad. Is this the last month I can request the color sketches?