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First off, it has been 5 years since I've started this Patreon and I'm proud of it has survived along these years, thank you so much for your support. 

I want to let you know this will be the last 8 pages of FD, I won't be able to keep working on the pages, besides the possibility of  lower quality and delays. And I care a lot about the quality of my work that's why I decide to stop making comics for now, this can change in the future.

Basically, this will become a tip-jar to show you like my work, so you're free to delete or decrease your pledge, no hurt feelings at all.

Let me clarify some doubts you may have before do anything:

Will you keep posting anything here right ?  

Yes, sure !! I'll stop charging/selling anything for a specific amount of money (tiers) for now.

What exactly will post here ? 

Anything I'll judge to be relevant or good quality artwork. Maybe you see more NSFW material than I post on DA, Tumblr or anywhere else, they will be only-patron posts because Patreon has its rules about NSFW to keep a safer community.

To recap, I'm not going or trying to sell anything here for a price (tier) like I used to do, so don't wait for rewards in a specif amount of time or if paid a certain amount of money. I rather prefer you paying one dollar for 3 months, keep you around supporting me and that's will express you enjoy my work.

 Like a real artist I need to feel free to expend what I can create. If anything changes I'll let the world knows before take any step on this Patreon.

That's why I wanted to be very clear above to not fool, promise, give hope or scam anyone who decides to stay here, return later or becomes a patron in the future pledging anything he or she wants.   

I think anything was said, if not I'll post later or ask me away.

And I'm sure you are aware of the tax Patreon will implement in the next month, if you don't know what they are I must insist you to take a look here asap, because I don't want my patrons being taken aback.

As I have said, fell free to leave, decrease or keep supporting me with the amount you think I deserve. 

From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU !

Comics will be attached in the next only-patron post.


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