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I figured it's time to do some tutorials that I deem useful. It's also for me to keep me in check on my own mistakes!

Please request anything regarding digital art so I can think about doing more!




Does Fiz know she's been volunteered for tutorial duty?


Generally is it better to start with pen and paper or drawing software? Or does it make a difference?


In my opinion, the difference from starting pen/paper to digital is the same as starting a new language. I've started pen and paper for many years, more than I do digital, and the transfer didn't feel as impactful from practicing traditional. Only my pen strokes and the general idea of what to draw carried over. So I can say, if you want to go digital - go head on into it. You aren't going to miss much. No difference for drawing as a hobby. The only thing that would keep you stumped is understanding the software and getting the practice you want. In which, I can possibly do a tutorial about that for general workspace!


Makes sense. I appreciate the help.


A tutorial on how you draw and shade clothes and do those imprints of undergarments would be super helpful.


Could you do a tutorial on drawing hair and how to shade it? Hair is always where I struggle along with anatomy