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The Empire's victory is as fleeting as the wine they drank to celebrate. Tanya continues her quest for peace.

It's the freaking finale!!! Just wanted to say this show surprised me in a lot of ways. With it's cleverness and dark humor, mixed with incredible animation and character depth. I'm so glad we took this journey with y'all! We should be getting to the movie within the next week or two!




24:00 Welcome to Mary Sioux (hint Mary Sue, check the memes) And yes, you'll see Tanya meets Mary Sioux in the movie, Being X isn't through with Tanya yet. The author of Overlord is friends with Tanya's author and helped green light the second season of Tanya which will pick up after the movie. And guys, there are 14 volumes in print (so far)! Now once you go through the movie (and maybe the OVA) for grins and giggles check out CJ Dachamp"s Black Air Force induction of Tanya called "TANYA: THE ISEKAIED DEMON" but only after the movie. ok, eagerly awaiting more anime and/or movies!


Dude that is so cool the author of Overlord helped get the second season of Tanya going! I love it! I'm so stoked for the movie and to know there is so much more content for them to pull from! Heck yes!!


Not only language barriers for wars in the past, you have to think about the cultural barriers too! It was a lot harder than pulling up a wikipedia article for gestures of respect of a particular country