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Another chance occurence involving Sebas and his ever vigilant gaze, catches the eye of another protector of sorts




No, no, Lakyus is a chunnibyo and she was playacting with her sword. And a little Sebas flex to whet the appetite. Climb was a starving orphan on the streets when Renner saw him and rescued him, Climb owes his life to Renner and will do anything to protect her, anything. Oh man, the foreshadowing in this scene with Sebas, Climb and Brain, tidbit seeds dropped to sprout later. I think the word you need to use isn't human but humane especially for Sebas.


Oh how I love this ep. This might be, if not my favorite but close to my fav episode of the season. I am unashamed to be a Sebas simp. (Lil non spoiler lore, His full name Sebas Tian, is a reference to mane Butlers in anime/manga being given the name Sebastian. Since Sebas was a player created npc makes sense some quirks in naming would happen like that. Also yes, sometimes the players personality is expressed in the NPC itself but often the NPC acts based on how they were programmed. So no always does a creation have the same personality as their creator.)

Ian Moscrop

I was never really sure if Lakyus was just being a weeb with her sword. That made her 100x more adorable.

Ian Moscrop

A great example is Pandora's Actor. He acts nothing like Ainz, but then there are moments where Momonga's personality comes through.