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Charlie goes to Cannibal Town!




Not a chance in Unholy Hell would I ever agree to ANY deal with Alastor. She literally said it herself in the pilot: "You're sketchy as fuck and you clearly see what I'm trying to do here as a joke." Seriously, she JUST made real progress with her dad, the most powerful being in Hell. The fallen ANGEL that before the fall was the strongest in heaven. The man whom had his entire angel family ATTACK him and his wife as they were being cast out and kept both himself and his wife alive. The incredibly powerful angelic being that swore to support her and her dream no matter what repercussions came upon him. The one who literally stared her straight in the eye and told her she mattered to him MORE THAN ANYTHING. I'm just saying that maybe, perhaps, she could have spared a moment to inform him how the meeting he got her went, and you know ask HIM if he knew of any way she could use to protect herself, hotel, and friends. I'm aware he is constricted from fighting unless the deal is broken, but there's no clause we know of that prohibits him from either giving advice or telling anecdotal stories that may be about injuring angels. 🤷‍♀️ I am also aware Charlie is used to doing things herself and not depending on her dad. I'm just saying I feel like this is a glaring obvious choice she could have made BEFORE making an extremely vague deal with a demon overlord she already knows she shouldn't trust. The show runners really wanted to emphasize how much she still doesn't trust her dad when she even points out in the trust exercises that she usually trusts everyone. Next season should be fascinating to see if she can even admit that she has her own issues. Also on a completely different subject, if you go back to the pilot you can see that during his song Alastor dresses Vaggie up like Susan. Gee, wonder what he thinks of her. 🤣

Rani Carreon

I have my suspicions about the favor. One thought is that *possibly* Lilith is holding Alastair’s leash, and he wants to use the favor to have Lilith release him. But I don’t have full evidence, but both Lilith and Alastor being missing for 7 years.


Yes them both being missing for that specific amount of time is curious indeed

Justina O'Brien

The only thing that bugs me is when Vaggie says she didn't know angels could be harmed while she is sitting there with one eye 😂