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Rimuru, along with the three dwarven brothers, provide the goblins with the tools and techniques they need to build a better village.




He can look like any gender, but he tends to think of himself as male. He, currently, can't make himself look like anything he wants. "Currently", or "at this time", are words that have to accompany any description for just about anything in Slime. Note about Japanese: I saw a video title the gist of which was, yes, you aren't wrong, Japanese is at a higher pitch than English. But I guess there are details about how that works. .... The black lightning wasn't something Rimuru could just pull off, he needed days of practice, Great Sage, science knowledge, and, probably magic. .... Fun Fact: All the cells in Rimuru's body can take on any function. The reason he doesn't need to sleep is because his cells take turns being his brain..... Ifrit is an upper level fire spirit..... Thought Communication is pretty common among monsters, it is a species skill of direwolves, and others. .... Oh, and humans and demi-humans are already named, and are unaffected by naming. They aren't considered magical beings, although some, at least, can do magic.


snakes still biting even with their head being cut off is a reflex thing like at that point they are dead but certain parts of them take longer to stop functioning so reflexes like biting are still active