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Still singing the songs from this episode! So freaking good.




Regardimg angel and his boss, i mean i think it can happen, victims are so far under their abuser thumb that they think no one can go against them. Angel knows charlie is stronger than val, but valentino power over angel is so domeniering that angel is agraid for charlie. Quite coll.to showcase the power imbalance is how the it always showed vLentino towering over angel while valentino would bend to charlies height when talking to her, very subtle. Dont think husk was trying to compare their situations on which suffers most with their boss. He was telling Angel that yes it sucks, and he knows how angel feels in regards of wanting out of the contract and how much he regrets having taking it knowing that it would never be broken (so far we dont know if contracts can be broken). Also we have no idea how alastor is as a boss xD dont know what kinda freaky shit he could make him do or do to him, quinda curious aboit it to be honest xD


The contract between Valentino and Angel Dust isn’t like a contract here on Earth. It gives Valentino ownership of Angel Dust’s soul and gives Val the ability to control Angel. It’s a situation based on the idea of pacts made with demons and devils being binding and are more than just mere words. We don’t know the full workings of Contracts in Vivzipop’s Hell or the exact nature of Angel’s contract with Val except that it gives Val complete control over Angel while he’s in the studio and something very bad would likely happen to Angel if the terms of the contract are broken or violated.

Frosty FB

Also, was thinking since that whole confrontation took place in the studio, where Val controls Angel according to their contract, that Angel was technically obligated to tell her to leave like Val ordered.

A McDonald

Valentino is a moth, also if you listen carefully you will notice he squeaks periodically as he speaks to people. Vivzie does little animal effects to a few of the characters who have animal forms, traits... though i only noticed in two because they are subtle


So about being in Hell but scared of fire... it's literally Hell Fire. Meaning even though they're dead it absolutely can hurt them. So Angel was in quite a lot of danger when the fire broke out, but he never took his eyes off Val, the biggest threat in the room. As much as he wants to leave with Charlie, he knows he can't and he wants her safe whereas he can't be. Angel is such an amazing layed character. After this episode you have to go back to even the pilot and addict music video and put things in context to realize how much pain he's constantly in and the mask he never takes off except for very choice moments. He has every reason to not ever trust people or be kind to anyone else in Hell, but he does anyways. I think it shows just how much he does want to succeed at the Hotel and how big his heart is that he is trying to help the best way he knows how and participate. Like with the trust building exercises, he suggested BDSM because he it's what he knows and it IS supposed to be based on ultimate trust. When he was literally thrown off a building he still helped and got Sir Pensious out of there, then dragged him back up and down since he couldn't move on his own. Even in the pilot when he is with Cheri Bomb he's helping because she's a friend and she helped him leave Val to go to the hotel. Like he said to Vaggie, he thought helping friends was a good quality they wanted him to have. He even pushes Cheri out of the way when Pensious fires an unknown weapon at them and takes the hit himself. Even if it turns out to be ropes he didn't want Cheri to get hurt if he could help it. He is the definition of 'yeah, he messed up, but it doesn't define his entire being and he absolutely deserves better.' 🩷💛💙


Love this. There is so much thought put into this show and they really bring the characters to life. Thanks for sharing your insight. This makes me love Angel even more now!

Tyson Hostetler

Also in regards to the whole goal of the hotel for redemption we don’t even know if right now Angel can be redeemed because he doesn’t own his own soul Valentino has it