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Rimuru and his goblin team travel to the dwarven city to look for craftsmen who can help them build new houses and make clothing.

So the quality might look a little weird on this one but we got it fixed up for the rest of our recordings this week. Been working on a better way to record our videos and there could be a few kinks along the way but we're getting it figured out.




Gobta is kind of the butt monkey of the series, but he despite not getting much in the way of looks, evolution did give him some talents. And the Demon Lords are a big part of the setting. You should be meeting the first one before too much longer. Oh and the Elf Girls are nice, but they don’t hold a candle to Shion IMOH.

A McDonald

I feel like all ur valid questions in the commentary will be answered in the 3 to 7 episodes give or take. Or were answered already but because all the male goblins almost all sound alike, it blurred together and was missed. But more naming rules/exceptions... etc will be answered in said future to determine if you are right or wrong. But Gobta is Gobta, the named goblin prior died. So Gobta couldn't be double named because he had no name.