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It's that time again, but this time I have an actual Progress Report! Isn't that snazzy?

We're getting closer, but we still have a ways to go! I do have some neat UI to show off today along with some finalized building designs, though!

So lets check out some UI!

Some interesting things here Home/Map, Bits, Clock, Journal, and Saddlebag!

Here's a version with the full Clock graphics.

They're pretty self explanatory and genre standard, but I tried to make them as horsie themed as possible. I still need to finish the tweaking the actual menu UI that pops up.

In the meantime tell me what you think of this UI design, I'd love to have some feedback!

Now here's some more background sketches!

Here's a slightly different and streamlined take on the Carousel Boutique! I tweaked the perspective and redrew the main building to seem like it's more on level ground.

Aaaand here's Friendship Path! This one is actually based off two pieces of concept art from the the Movie's Art Book that I combined together.

Now this is one you've all seen before already, but I just wanted to put it in this post just for comparison's sake anyway.

There's only one more major location design I need to finalize, along with some interiors, and then all that's left for backgrounds is vectoring!

Now some of you may be wondering what exactly I've been doing with all my time this month, especially after that last Patreon post. This Patreon has, and always will be a tip jar so I can work on free projects in my spare time, but I also do get contracted/commissioned to do other things as well which is what I split my time between.

Since I managed to get more than I was suppose to finish (I've effectively got all of the current art assets they needed finished) I can focus all of my time back on this project for the time being!

As always I thank all of you for supporting me. I couldn't manage any of this if wasn't for your gracious support. Thank you!



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