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My dumb ass told my Discord already, but I completely forgot to tell you folks.

Several days ago, one of my teeth started hurting more than its ever hurt before. I visited a dentist just a few days ago and will be having it removed next week, on Wednesday morning (Texas, USA), along with having a bone graft and crown installed on another tooth showing signs of deterioration. I'm currently on a regimen of antibiotics and painkillers until the removal, as the tooth is infected from having been broken in half for a good two to three years.

That said, sitting up for extended periods has been difficult for me as it's caused my gums to throb and swell, provoking immense pain and forcing me to lay down. The pain is getting MUCH better though thanks to the combined antibiotics and painkillers, but I still can't sit up for a full work day at the moment.

Please know I'm gonna be fighting hard to make sure you guys get more content by the end of the month. Just hang in there! I'm so sorry, guys and gals.



hey- you take care of yourself first. As nice as futa is, it can wait. Best of luck with that.


As anyone who has had toothaches knows (and I'm one of them), they are very difficult to cope with. It's very hard to escape the pain since it's in an area with a lot of nerve endings. I'm glad you're on a treatment regimen, so now it's just patience while it goes away. Do what you gotta to get through it, and we'll all be here after!


You just focus on getting better!

Teri Minx

I want to echo the previous comments. You focus on getting better and getting proper treatment. The art can wait until you are out of pain. I hope your recovery is quick and complete.


Tooth pain is so awful. I feel for you. :(


I hope you feel better soon!


Best of luck, get well soon. Lots of love.


Ouch! If you're in that much pain, please don't worry about Patreon stuff for now. Dental health is seriously important stuff.


Dang dude, get well soon! Don’t worry about us lol, I’m sure everyone understands! Take some time to heal up!


Good thoughts sent your way. Stay safe.


We'll be fine Peggy! Look after yourself and just take it easy! Get well soon maestro!!!

Angelo B.

I was wondering what all the chatter was about dentist and toothaches. Get well man, don't sweat yourself with being a super hero trying to save all our libidos.


Just had a tooth extraction nearly a month ago. The removal was the worst part, but letting it heal made me really anxious. I'm really glad it's out now, so I hope its even better for you. Keep well.

John Smith

Health is the most important take care of your self buddy

Christian Schmidt

Don't feel sorry your health is important! Your true fans understand that and will wait for the new content! I hope you feel better soon! Get well my friend and greetings from Germany!


Take care of those toofeses!


OMG! You take care & get well soon mate!


Oh jeez, get well soon! Health is always first priority!