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I know it's been awhile since the last update, folks! Sorry about that. Here's some updates on what's going on:

As mentioned previously, "Taking the Reins" is going to take *quite* a long time to finish rendering. It's almost halfway done, meaning there's still at least another solid week of rendering needed before it's ready for editing/dialoging.

"Bane of All Things" is also almost done, but unfortunately I will be needing to redo the last 15-ish pages. However, I have postponed reworking these pages in order to work instead on the gold monthly images, which will start to appear within the next few days.

Aside from that, I'm kinda taking things a little bit slow this month due to basically making somewhere around 400 images last month, most of which will be seen this month/early next month. I did a lot of work! Whew!

Just sit tight, guys and the goods will be showing up very soon. =D

Thanks for ya'lls patience!


Angelo B.

Awe man, the bane stuff is really good. I feel bad having my monthly stuff slide in it's way.


Naaaaw. Don't worry about that. In this case the gold monthlies are just helping break things up a little bit so I don't get tired of working on Bane. =D


I just want to say I appreciate how hard-working you are I've been a fan of yours since way back when you were on the wicked way blog site and cannot wait to see what else you have in store for us

John Smith

Don’t worry you always deliver.