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I'm sure many of you folks are already well aware of the issues of Patreon declining payments. From my understanding in most cases you can simply update your payment information to get the ball rolling again. If not, you may need to call your card issuer to approve Patreon transactions!

I'm sorry for the trouble many of you are going through, and don't worry. Nobody's getting their patronage removed, and I'm just gonna carry on like always. =D

In other news, gonna let the vote on the FUTA match run for one more day, then I'm gonna compile the results and see what we come out with!


Angelo B.

I opened my patreon manage accounts and it said my card had expired? So I re added it and transferred members. Hopefully this is fixed because that card is good till late 2019!

Baron Von Seide

One truly maddening aspect of all this: all I’ve gotten from Patreon was an email implying that the problem was on my end.(Grrrrrr!)