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What a doozy of a first round, eh? Mystery abounds! Horse dildos did things, too! But there's more to cum, and how that goes about happening is up to you fine folks!

We still have more toys to choose from, and you know the rules of voting!

This poll will stay up for 48 hours, and you're allowed to make multiple choices! I'll be choosing the TOP TWO that will feature in the next round...assuming both girls are "up to the task."

For that, I must consult the Dice Gods.

Happy voting!


Angelo B.

Damnit, give em the prod. The prod!


I don't mind the storyline too much just seems, in a way, darker then I was expecting is all. Not like i'm going to stop reading or anything.


I totaly hoped that toxin will win this, but imagine that the winner can use the looser as she wish... i realy want to see a furious cait destroying toxin after this little "video"...


Win or lose, I hope Cait can find her peace after this match.

Angelo B.

Lol, I had the silliest thought. What if this scene was redone a la "total recall" and cait rips out the arm hold and mother mercy rushes over and gets stabbed in the neck just like the movie.


DEAR GOD MAN...wait, which Total Recall? AHNULD or Drunky McPunchy? I didn't see the remake.


I agree, I know It's a fantasy world where anything can happen but it does feel extra mean spirited for FUTA right? Like Ginny and Bunny were ok with this? That being said I still like the action :p