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Been getting a few reports from folks not being able to see the new content for some reason.

I'm going to try and renew the links entirely, but it'll take awhile. Just hang tight, guys. Sorry for the trouble!

UPDATE: The link has been changed, and I would greatly appreciate if I could get some Bronze and/or Silver Patrons to test the link provided on the Bronze Tier post.

UPDATE 2: Still getting reports that the new content isn't visible. Unfortunately many others are reporting that the new content is indeed visible at the links provided. This might require the clearing of browser caches for those of you who are unable to view the content, or trying to view the content in a different browser.

You may also try copying and pasting the link into your URL bar to see if that helps. Aside from these, I'm not entirely sure what exactly to do beyond sending the link to all patrons, which I will be doing shortly.

UPDATE 3: I'm going to completely renew the links to the Bronze folder. This process will take some time, so everyone hang in there. Once the process is done, I'll update this post again (hopefully for the last time) to let everyone know that the links have been renewed.

UPDATE 4: The link has been completely updated now, so let's see if somehow this works finally.

If for some reason the link is still not working, I don't know what else to do. With such a scattering of people saying it works and those saying it doesn't, I'm beginning to suspect the issue may lie elsewhere.

If the link still isn't working for you:

  • Ensure you are using the NEW link, NOT an old link.

  • If you are logged into Mega, log out then log back in.

  • Try using a different browser - Chrome, Firefox, Edge, etc.

  • Clearing your browser cache may be required as a last resort.



Wow... Bronze here and... it's actually worse... Yesterday, I just couldn't see the new stuff. Now, I can't see anything. The file is empty.


After a little testing, the links are updated on PC, but the mobile (android) app has an older MEGA link that no longer works. It is probably a cache thing. Maybe a bug the folks at patreon need to look into?


Clearing the cache and restarting my phone seems to have done the trick. New link is available and all updates are visible


The latest update they say they're completely renewing the link which means you want be able to see anything for a while