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Fixed a bug that prevented conversation about disguise robes with Charlie after the end of Rune 2.

I also put the android APK in a file and compressed it into a ZIP file. If you have problems with the raw APK file, you can unzip it and extract the apk file from it.

Change Log:

Additions in


-Weapons are now obtainable.

-The final enemy on each floor will drop two rare weapons.

-lewd scene after completing Rune 15.


-Made some adjustments to the latest reward scene, added X-ray and eye effects.


-The display size can be changed from the title screen.



Bugfix in




-Fixed a bug where combat would freeze during battle with a girl and no input would be accepted (likely completely fixed).

-Fixed a bug where the game would freeze when heading to the tower after saving.

-Various other bugs have been fixed.


-Fixed a bug where players were unable to re-watch Aria's lewd scene once they had already seen it.

-Fixed a bug where the hint "Go see Charlie" was displayed, but players were unable to have a conversation with Charlie.

-Fixed a bug that prevented conversation about disguise robes with Charlie after the end of Rune 2.

Note:  Scenes currently available:

- Aria's blowjob

- Sex with Aria

- Sex with Aria tied up.

- Violet's blowjob.

- Sex with Violet + foreplay scene

- Sex with Violet tied up.

- Isabella's blowjob.

- Sex with Isabella + foreplay scene.

-lewd scene after completing Rune 15.



construction Ms

There is a problem with users not being able to install the android version. I am currently trying to determine the cause. If the file extension is saved as .zip, it may work if you change it to .apk. If anyone else has experienced the same situation, please report it.