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Thank you for your patience regarding this artwork and story 😅 I promise the second part won’t take so long. Enjoy the short storyline below!

After explaining their situation to the Justice League in this new timeline, Mary Jane and Koriand’r split up, Kory going with Beast of the JL and the X-men to look through the Krakoan Archives to figure out what Kang changed. Meanwhile Mary Jane returned to New York City, only to find her apartment occupied.

Kory meets up with Emma Frost and Dazzler at the archives, looking through and Kory makes a shocking discovery, there is no record of Wonder Woman at any period in time. Emma looks into the alien’s mind and sees the old world and learns of how Wonder Woman inspired the female populace to get bigger and the superheroine community in particular. Emma even sees herself bloated up. Emma agrees to help Kory stop Kang and Dazzler joins up with them too.

Back in NYC, Mary Jane is the center of attention just by walking down the street, but unlike before where she would flaunt her quadruple digit heavyset body, she only felt embarrassment. Until she hears noises of screams and sirens. Mary Jane figured she can help and hopefully win some favor in the eyes of the public.

She grows and runs over to find Daredevil, currently Elektra sharing the mantle, fighting The Beetle. As she rushes to join the fight…Power Girl swoops in and lands right on top of her, crushing her wings. Then the two heroes catch a glimpse of Jackpot and can’t help but stare.

Mary Jane explains she was going to help, then proceeds to explain her own situation for what felt like the 100th time that day. Power Girl is intrigued by the thought of growing fat, while Elektra is skeptical.

Kory flies in with Frost and Dazzler and they explain that Wonder Woman has been removed from history somehow. Power Girl takes them all to Zatanna, to hopefully learn more. Emma shares the history of their previous universe telepathically on the way. They arrive at Zatanna’s show, and find the Wasp and Tigra in the audience. After the show they all meet up, Emma fills Zatanna in on their plight.

Zatanna concentrates and tries a spell to restore their previous memories. It works! Almost like their minds were now put into new lithe skinny bodies. And that needed to change NOW.

Then, all of the sudden, a monster phase-shifts through the wall, it resembles a mechanical dragon, and it gunned straight for Mary Jane! The team took up stances to fight back, taken aback to when Elsa Bloodstone came in, holding its tail, blasting it with her shotguns, Zatanna held in place with her magic, and the rest of the team went to work.

Bloodstone explains this Dragon Man appeared out of nowhere and she had been hunting it down for the past few hours. Mary Jane guessed it came from Kang. Kory believes they have their squad to take down Kang and fix the timeline.

And poor Elsa’s confused on why everyone else seems to be craving food.



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