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Hey guys,

When I posted the video of us installing the carbon wings on youtube I did not realize how many people were going to ask if they actually make any sort of difference on the road or complain that we wouldn't even notice them with normal street riding.

That being said, would it be ok with you guys if I make the patreon only riding feedback of me testing the wings public for my youtube channel?

I also didn't realize how much of a difference they would make and I would like to share that feedback with the channel since so many people think they were pointless to install for a road bike.

Let me if its alright with you guys if I share the video.  Thanks!



Nick Augustus

What would be really funny and would get a ton of hate would be if you mentioned it served two purposes. The second being to put your feet on them and ride the R1 cruiser style when not shifting down the highway lol ^_^ (please don't try it haha)

Dustin Jones

Mad love to whomever wins this, but damn I want it! LOL