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Hey guys!

So if you remember us talking about a surprise a few videos back....this is the surprise.  I've decided to add a 2021 Ducati Panigale V2 in white to the build series!  So now I will be giving away TWO motorcycles this build!

As it turns out, the virus has finally made its affects felt on the motorcycle community and I could be waiting a few months for the streetfighter carbon pieces to be made by full six.  Instead of sitting around doing nothing I decided why not just add another bike to the build that we an work on in the meantime while we wait for parts!

You don't have to do anything different.  You will all be entered as the Panigale V2 episodes go up and when both bikes are complete we will have a big event at our local ducati shop and pick the winners just like our past builds.

The V2 Panigale should be here later this month and videos will start shortly after that!  

Thanks so much for your continued support and I'm super excited to be doing my first ever 2 bike giveaway for you guys!



Doug Clarke

I absolutely love the look of that V2 in white with the red wheels and red accents🔥🔥. This is an exciting build series with 2 fantastic Ducati's in the offering... Whoohoo 👍

Michael Spencer

Dude that thing is sick in White! I love white bikes and that thing is sexy! Awesome stuff bro!