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Hey guys!

So I decided to sit down in photoshop and see what I could come up with.  At first I was trying to do a white/gun metal similar to the Lambo scheme but I feel like it just looks unfinished or kind of like a GSXR.

Then I decided to try out some schemes with a black base and I think adding some red accents with the black looks incredible on this bike.

It doesn't have to be this exact design BUT I'm thinking we should do a glossy black base with red accents and then glossy carbon accents for the wheels, belly panel and fenders etc.

What do you guys think?  Would you like to take this beauty home?



Tommy Elliott

Jaret, I am liking the black version as well too...

Tommy Elliott

How about one with the black...but with Green, White, and Red stripes kind of slicing up the bike...