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Hey guys!

Just wanted to let you know Christina and I are in the process of packing and moving across the country this week from Pennsylvania to California.

We fly out this coming Thursday and will be staying with her family while we search for a place to rent.

One of my top priorities when we arrive is getting a motorcycle so we can get the next build started.  I'm hoping to get the next bike within a week or two at the most.  

I had a chance to chat with my local Ducati dealer and they were open to working with us (allowing us to film etc) so doing another Ducati might be our only option until we can meet a mechanic who can work on anything as Dado could.

Anyway that's the update for now.  Things will get back up and running shortly and I hope you're as excited as I am for the next project!

*PS I just shared a picture of a V4R because its amazing...it will NOT be the next build series bike though as they aren't even available until next spring haha

Talk soon!




Francisco Silva

Just became a patreon like i said i would if you went global with the bike build series.


Leaving, eh? We live in the same town, you headed out for a job? Good luck. :)

Jaret Campisi

A man of your word. I respect the hell out of that. Welcome to the series brother and best of luck!

Jaret Campisi

We moved from PA to live in California close to Christina's family and to ride year round :)