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Hey guys!

Just wanted to touch base with you and let ya know why its been so quiet. I can't really do anything with the BMW until I finish the break in miles and its been raining/windy/cold for the past two weeks.

This week the weather finally looks good enough to get the break in miles done and then we will be able to do the first service, then the stock dyno and then the mods will begin!

Also working with Warhorse atm to possibly add another bike or two to the build so there are some big things in the works, which means better content for you guys AND more chances to win badass bikes!

So sit tight and hopefully later this week I'll be able to get the first service done and then things will really start rolling!




So is the AMG GT63 the next build? That is one amazing car.

Jaret Campisi

haha I would love to do car giveaways but we would need about 5 times more people signed up on here to make that work

Marvin T

Aprilla RSV4 Factory?