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  • Kim Seokjin, the King of High Notes 261
  • Jin @ Coldplay Concert Special Performance Sketch 1008
  • Jin, the King of Japanese Songs 198
  • Jin in Argentina 108
  • Kim Seokjin is a Multitalented King 1208
  • 2023-11-15
  • —2023-11-20
  • 2783 votes
{'title': 'JIN BDAY WEEK! POLL 2 of 2 (PERSONALITY)', 'choices': [{'text': 'Kim Seokjin, the King of High Notes', 'votes': 261}, {'text': 'Jin @ Coldplay Concert Special Performance Sketch ', 'votes': 1008}, {'text': 'Jin, the King of Japanese Songs', 'votes': 198}, {'text': 'Jin in Argentina ', 'votes': 108}, {'text': 'Kim Seokjin is a Multitalented King', 'votes': 1208}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 11, 20, 4, 5, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 11, 15, 23, 10, 6, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 2783}



It's the 2nd and FINAL poll of the day!

This one is personality focused. Thanks to our primo's over on Discord for all the poll suggestions today. We can't wait to see what polls win this week.

Happy Voting!


Here are the videos for each entry:

Kim Seokjin, the King of High Notes

Jin @ Coldplay Concert Special Performance Sketch 

Jin, the King of Japanese Songs

Jin in Argentina 

Kim Seokjin is a Multitalented King



It's such a shame the Japanese songs aren't popular this go round. That's my pick lol


Imo “Jin king of high notes” is the best video out of this poll, it includes many live performances, Jin’s songs and iconic bangers such as Your eyes tell, Love Maze, Crystal Snow and MANY MORE! & most importantly, this compilation is showcasing Jin’s impressive vocal range and how insanely great his silver voice is. Jin for sure has the sweetest & charismatic personality and i think ccw are noticing that while watching BTS’s documentaries so it’s time for them to discover this man’s real talents. His vocals must be appreciated : )

Begüm Denizbaşı

you need to watch crystal snow jin focus :((

Linda Buford

It makes me sad for anyone not to see ALL of these! Jin is just bone chillingly talented!! I always say if I could spend 24 hours with any of them (even though JK is my bias) I’d choose to spend the time with Jin!!! I pray he really knows how beloved he is…. ❤️

nicole s.

"Kim Seokjin is a multitalented king" because I've been dreaming of the day you guys will see him singing come back home for soooooooo long and this is the perfect opportunity 🥹


Oh Jin in Japanese songs ughhh I wanna see it too 🥹🥹🥹


All please


Omg...there are just too toooo many iconic Jin moments ..both sonically and personality wise. That list is way too long!! Please do much more Jin "everything" in the near future...no one can sleep on Jin at all!!!


Vote for Coldplay concert Skitch!!!! It’s longer and it’s official content


Coldplay Concert Special Performance Sketch + I miss him soooo much!! I can’t believe it’s almost a year already!!

Charlotte Simm

Ah I really wanted the high notes compilation video but I’ll be happy with any!


People chose king of highnote pls. They gotta know his range.


Y’all need to vote for his vocals they already know his personality


You need to see them ALL!! Jin is extremely talented, funny and gorgeous!! 💜


High notes isolated are a good way to get spoiled on songs (and i want to kill the narrative that high notes are the only way to show range and good vocals), I'd rather have an actual personality video


I know this poll is from the discord and I have no right to complain. This list is great. If I may add I hope that you can react as well with his personality videos related to his relationship with members and other people. The above choices from the poll are all related to music which you can react in the future alongside his discography. I hope you can give these videos below a try: Kim Seokjin Documentary: You can see how Jin grows from this documentary. This is also a birthday video for Jin. https://youtu.be/evgUPf709rQ?si=6bEz2I4_jHMA8iFt BTS Only Jin Hyung: You can see how caring Jin is to all the members https://youtu.be/1LE2AioSU-E?si=wnjtfFYUVut5U5kf Jin the ultimate manner idol: You can see here how Jin is to other people beside BTS members https://youtu.be/1HOo2QXTxBU?si=J15uIF6RbSVBfqWI


as musicians and performers, CCW love seeing technical concert stage set ups and behind the scenes content– so i'm going with Coldplay!!! they're also fans of coldplay, so it'll be so fun for them to see their faves interact! 💜 crying bc all these are so good though. my 2nd choice would be multitalented


I personally recommend the Coldplay Concert one. I think as musicians CCW might love those behind cams and they also could get a glimpse of how lovely Jin is.

Teresa Nike

I love crystal snow but im not a fan of member focus videos it takes away from the whole performance . But I guess if you are focusing on just one person I see why the member focus videos are used.


Jin in Argentina is a comfort video for me when I’m missing him. The Coldplay one might be more of interest for ccw though


agreed! CCW love checking out speakers, concert gear, soundchecks etc. plus they love coldplay, so i feel like it's a great choice






I usually don’t get the chance to vote when these are in discord, so it’s always a fun surprise what makes it to the poll here. I enjoy watching/rewatching all the choices before voting It’s a fun way to experience or revisit some iconic moments for the members.


I voted for the Coldplay one! I think it’ll be very insightful and fun for CCW and us to revisit a whole year after the fact. And though I do love the high notes, it is a spoiler for what’s to come I’ll be good with whatever wins though <3 I’m excited for Jin week since I’ve been missing him a lot these days, which I’m sure other viewers are feeling too at this point. We’re just itching for his return now. :))

sef kan

all of them


It's the hardest poll ever, I can't choose!!

Kasapo Mwanza

The coldplay one is definitely the one I think you’ll enjoy the most. I hope it wins




I’m going with multitalented because there are multiple songs and talents that they will see. But I will be super happy with any of these!!💜

Chris Drady

I really hope you do get to see the king of Japanese songs. It’s soo true. All of these are such good choices.


Thank you for the poll. Any will be great to watch. I Love Jin. I Love that you Loved "Awake"!




Jin in Argentina. The astronaut LET GOOO


While I live jins highnotes and his parts in Japanese song. It's does not really show his personality and the various aspects of it. I would love something more personal than a compilation video so so the sketch or jin in argentina would be a great fit. Remember guys its not what we find funny or live the most to watch. But it is about his personality. So i really hope ARMY thunk about it before voting. And I'm surprised "Jin in Argentina" doesn't have more votes. It really shows him and its a whole lot more personal instead of seconds of clip one after the other for a compilation. Boreham to everyone 💜


I like to watch the videos myself first before I vote and seriously hope Jin, King of Japanese Songs wins. I literally got so many chills between “Your Eyes Tell” and “Crystal Snow”. Spoiler, that video shows Jin’s triple high note in Crystal Snow so they will know it’s him !


It's not that personal though. It's seconds of clips compiled. While it shows his strength you don't get to know his personality that much, its more about his abilities


The same people that just complained that CCW were drifting away from the music and vocals, are voting for the Coldplay video instead of Jin’s vocal videos 💀


It doesn't show much of his personality though. I live his highnotes, but it's spoilers for them and they will eventually listen to those. But personality videos videos the member comes only ones a year

Tarelayefa Ebaretonbofa

So? No video on here showcases his personality. All of them shows videos of him showcasing his strength. Be it vocals or any other thing. The mutitalented one covers a lot


…. When they do personality videos, y’all tell them to focus on the music and vocals, when they focus on music and vocals, y’all tell them to do personality 😵‍💫


Does anyone have the link of their discord? I don't know how to find it


Who are you talking about? I didn't vote for the vocals because it's a poll for personality. And while I love his vocal it doesn't show much about his personality. I would've loved for jin in Argentina to win but I can see it isn't happening. But I haven't complained about them drifting away from music or vocals. The poll literally says it's about personality though. And ccw will get to the songs but we only get one dedicated personality video for a member once a year


Jin's vocals in their Japanese songs are next level. Would love to see you guys react to them.


this post literally says above Personality Video poll. if the person posting above is only looking at this post, how are they supposed to infer this is vocal/talent category. it says nothing about it in just this post.


girl it's a personality poll, what do you want from me? of course i want a personality video from the personality poll i- ... so confused rn. Also "y'all"? i've been here for like a month, i'm not part of any of what you're referring to


Can ccw also add suchwita Jin on his bday week. A whole week about Jin like u did on V solo album discovery.


Awww cute videos! I know you guys like Coldplay and technical stuff and behind the scenes too(of performances you’ve watched)😅🤭😉


Thank you ! They act like CCW doesn’t know Jin’s personality already. They watched Bon Voyage, Rise Of Bangtan, The Seven Members of BTS, and Jin Scolding BTS, etc.


Okay that’s fair, that’s my bad (they normally separate that way)… but keep in mind that they’ve watched Bon Voyage, Rise of Bangtan, and an actual Jin personality video so I’m sure they understand his personality well already. Of course we want them to cover all videos but it’ll take time. Since you are new, make sure you catch up on their Bon Voyage and Run BTS


Yess that or King of Japanese Songs 😭


People chose the polls show case jin vocal. Why r u voting Coldplay one just because ccw might like. They would like to watch whatever we pick. Chose wisely, it his special week for bday. Appreciate Jin vocal, they already know his personality. They still don't know much about his vocal ranges.


Jin, the king of japanese songs is on another level !! I hope you react to this one !!!


here's the thing guys.. since it seems like 'Kim Seokjin, the king of highnotes' is not winning.. much better to chose 'Kim Seokjin is a multi talented king' cause it covers a lot tho some clips might have seen by them already than the one in argentina sketch 🥲

Kershel charles

I think they should also watch Jin's Suchwita episode, think they watched all the others already. Just makes sense to watch Jin's in his birthweek, it also shows him as a person which is what the personality polls are for.

Sofía Hernández

Sorry voters, I'm biased with this one (I'm from Argentina😂). I don't think that the videos where they show short song clips are going to be good for the CCW because they haven't heard most of the songs, it may just sound overwhelming for them.


I’m honestly surprised Jin Suchwita didn’t make the cut!

Afaf Afaf

I don't think any of these contain 🥺jin's personality


Well tbh why wouldn’t people pick something they think CCW would like? That’s the whole point right, plus this is a personality poll


They haven’t watched all the others yet! But def they should


actually multi talented king doesn't cover much of his atletic talent but much closer to personality video but i am contemplating

Alwena Willis

This is a hard one! It’s supposed to be one on his personality but a couple are music based. I don’t mind because I could listen to him sing all day. But they have only seen part of his personality, the funny side and there is more to him than that, which someone has mentioned already. So many brilliant personality videos of him which shows his caring and kind personality and his creativity and intelligence both of which are often overlooked. But we only have what we are given so for vocal performance I love the High notes for showing range for personality I think Jin in Argentina shows more of him personally while the Coldplay one shows how he interacted with Coldplay. The multi talented king just scrapes the surface of his talents and misses his intelligence and creativity side altogether! Hard! I think I will vote for that regardless though as it’s going to win anyway, it would be nice to pick a winner for a change! I hope they will show Jin on Suchwita as well of course as there will be an uproar if they don’t but I am sure they realise that by now don’t you CCW. Love you. 💜💜💜💜


Me too I thought it would definitely be the one


I thought suchwita with jin would definitely be one to be in the poll and win. I'm a bit surprised it isn't

Lane. L.

Jin in Suchwita please.


I know, I'm all caught up, thank you and don't worry, I also voted for a good vocal video in the vocal poll. I actually don't think of personality videos as teaching them or making them understand smn's personality, I just think they are fun and entertaining. However, in that case I voted for the Coldplay one cause I think it's the one the crew would like the most.


Discord had a 20 min long video max rule to their suggestion, so suchwita was too long but it might still come up later on. They did mention they wanted to do them all, I trust them.

Zette JeonKim

Question: Have they done any in the soop reaction ever? I was trying to look for it but cant find any


No they haven't. i think they are going to watch all the bon voyage first before they start in the soop


Jin on suchwita!!!!


Yeah, there were some personality ones on discord (social butterfly, concert fairy etc.). But unfortunately those didn't make the cut.


Jin on Suchwita please. I thought you you will react to that for his bday week


With so much original content, I am unsure why they are still featuring fan-made stuff (with spoilers and less context) in these polls. Oh well. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I agree with a lot of these comments - Jin on Suchwita would be lovely.


i’m really hoping that jins suchwita is on the schedule for his birthday week on that saturday!

upeksha senanayake

I think it’s better to watch suchwita guys just my opinion


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=evgUPf709rQ&pp=ygUZa2ltIHNlb2tqaW4gYSBkb2N1bWVudGFyeQ%3D%3D Kim Seokjin a documentary (This video shows Jin's personality in a more complete way, please watch it when you can)


This is a good personality video and a birthday video as well for Jin.


That takes too long tho. If you let us request them you can get through them faster.


i recommend “crystal snow” for jin birthday week, actually thats ot7 songs, but jin falsettos CRAZYYYYY🤌🏻👨🏻‍🍳 the songs is one of my top 5 bts songs and my ultimate biases are the rap line🥰 trust me you guys gonna love that

hobi's kobi

Why are you harassing people? Please leave people alone to vote as the please.


Please react to Abyss! 🥰💖


I suggest a video that showcases Jin's hilarious personality, his high notes video, Jin's "Yours" OST and some of the Eat Jin episodes!!