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Hi Primos! 

Hope everyone is enjoying their Easter weekend! We wanted to quickly take a minute and call out something that's been brought to our attention lately. False accounts have started to appear on our videos claiming that you have been selected as a winner for one our giveaways. THIS IS NOT US. THEY ARE TRYING TO SCAM YOU BY GETTING YOUR INFO. 

The best thing to do is to report that user. It makes it easier for youtube to stop and eventually block these accounts. 

If you have already gotten this message, avoid sending any more information. 

CCW WILL NEVER as for personal information view the comment section, telegram, or anything similar. All our winners will strictly be announced during a reaction to one of our videos or via an official Patreon/Youtube/Instagram announcement. 

Hopefully this won't be a recurring issue moving forward. In the mean time be on the lookout for these fake accounts and don't engage with them, just report. 

Thats it for now. Enjoy your weekend!!





This has been happening on Weverse as well. Army if u see these messages, report them!

Alishea Ally

I know another reaction channel is having the same issue where they are impersonating them and replying to comments about winning something. I'll definitely report if I see them

melina malfoy

pareil je les signalerais si je vois ce canal


Thank you so much for the heads up 👍❤️💜


Grrr....if these people just put the same amount of effort into a real job they would have money & a clear conscience. 🙄


i wish youtube would do something about this. ive seen these comments on tons of other videos also :(


learned my lesson 🥲 but the acc is gone n i blocked the telegram account already


You can Report them. Do you know how to do that? If you do the post disappears immediately. YouTube does do something. They get rid of the channel creating the scam. However they are created by robots so new channels with the same scam keeps showing up.


Report them first before you block them next time. But good that you blocked them.


In the upper right hand corner of your screen is a round like setting symbol. Click on it. A menu comes up. One of the choices is Report. Click on that. Then another screen comes up with different categories. You have to page or arrow down to get the scam choice. Click on that. Then the next tab you click on is Close. Report them every time you see a scam. And Report other videos that come up in the categories. I report Violent videos almost every day. And I Report any video that is a rumor or slander or lie or fake photoshopped pics of BTS. Then I also Report the fake or hateful BTS videos to the Hybe reporting system at Protect@bighitmusic.co.kr