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Good Morning Primos!

Here's the next episode of AVATAR (uncut). Really starting to like these earth benders!

See you in the comments 😊




Larissa Halupka

Cant said for you to meet a certain earth bender. If you know, you know lol

Lauren Miatke

Everyone belongs to one of the four tribes, but not everyone is a bender. I hope that helps.


I need more 😍❤️


everyone belongs to a 'kingdom' or 'tribe' or 'nation', they're just like countries that have citizens, but not every one of those citizens are able to control an element. each nation has a different percentage of people who can bend an element. Water- very few can water bend, due to genocide. Earth - prob about 50/50, a lot of people in the earth kingdom can earth bend, but because it is the largest nation, there are also a lot of non-benders/regular people there (they have a lot of refugees from the war too). think of it as the medium/middle ground. Air- all air nomads were able to air bend, but they were all killed off. Fire- id say prob about %70-80 of them can fire bend. most people there are benders, and it is highly respected, but as always there are a few that cant. elemental bending is genetic, and if both parents can bend an element, most likely the child can too. two non benders cannot have a child with the abilities (as far as we know).


Glad you like the earth benders!! The bending gets way way more exciting for all the elements, just wait! Excited for more 😁

Awéna R (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-06 07:30:34 Thank you ! When you were talking about floating on earth and you were searching for an exemple I immediatly thought of Gaara in Naruto (manga&anime), I don't think you know this one but Gaara can manipulate sand and float on it (you can easily find pictures if you want). I think it can be a good way for earthbenders to fly, sand is lighter than rocks it seems but i'm not sure it's easier to bend.
2023-03-04 19:05:35 Thank you ! When you were talking about floating on earth and you were searching for an exemple I immediatly thought of Gaara in Naruto (manga&anime), I don't think you know this one but Gaara can manipulate sand and float on it (you can easily find pictures if you want). I think it can be a good way for earthbenders to fly, sand is lighter than rocks it seems but i'm not sure it's easier to bend.

Thank you ! When you were talking about floating on earth and you were searching for an exemple I immediatly thought of Gaara in Naruto (manga&anime), I don't think you know this one but Gaara can manipulate sand and float on it (you can easily find pictures if you want). I think it can be a good way for earthbenders to fly, sand is lighter than rocks it seems but i'm not sure it's easier to bend.