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Hello Again CCW Primos!!

Its time for a new link! We have had a lot of fun hearing everyone’s stories and generally having a place to converse over on discord. Excited to have a few more people join 😊

Just like last time, it will expire after 100 people join, or in 24 hours - whichever comes first. We’ll keep in eye on the channel and if another 100 member link is needed we’ll make another post later this week. Eventually when it slows down we’ll add a permanent link. 

LATEST LINK: https://discord.gg/VB9ekEYk

We’ll see everyone there!!



Lorena Walker

I have no idea what I’m doing but when I click the link nothing really happens.

Kett - c.a. 63

It has been three hours but the link must have expired. I got a note with the first link but no note this time so that is more confusing. I got to Our Magic Shop but I think that must be Bangtan Academy’s site.


I missed it too 🥺 god damn the time zones

Corrina Rayson

Hey the link has expired....I'm in NZ so not likely to catch it in time.

Betty Suwan

Why is it every time I try to join it tells me the link has expired 🫤


I got link expired too 😳


Link has expired, permanent links are possible unless you’re still looking to filter in people into the discord


We purposely posted this link in the evening our time to give the other side of the world a chance. We’ll do something similar for the next 🙂




Couldn't get in 😢

Dalmi Rojas

will you guys also post the videos from discord here? I couldn't get in


I'd like to join the next 100