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Hey VIP Primos!

We are back with this weeks BONUS VIDEO, Dis-ease Live! We are going back to Sowoozoo 2021.

We chose today's performance because we wanted another 0T7! This is such a creative set up today, loved the TV's with the audience signing along. Such a hype song. Hope you all enjoy.

Let us know in the comments if you were in the screens!






You guys should definitely do concerts


Could you guys choose less of 'Enjoy more of BTS' channel videos? That bad quality, (mostly) bad editing skills.. There are so much better videos out there! This channels posts videos with English subtitles, and the purpose is for international fans to understand lyrics. Imo, this channel sometimes have even worse lyrics (because at least some are self translated). Especially if you have already read lyrics of the particular, you could choose a better video. :) The same goes with 'Bulletproof: The Eternal'. You saw how bad the video was.. Random cuts, video not aligned with sound etc.