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Good Morning Primos!

Just wanted to quickly hop in and say that part 2 of the album review will be here a little later today. There was a slight miscue on our end that we’re working through.

If you noticed P1 upload 9 hours earlier than normal, you’ll see that we’re a bit out of sorts at the moment 😅.

But don’t worry, we’ll be back with our regularly scheduled programming very soon! We hope this puts your minds at ease. It’ll be worth it 😉




Please watch Best of me performance in lotte family concert. You Will love this.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_TRMLJeppY&pp=ygUkYmVzdCBvZiBtZSBsb3R0ZSBmYW1pbHkgY29uY2VydCAyMDE5

Gacha_cookie 117

I couldn’t believe when I saw the upload. I had to blink a couple times and check the calendar to make sure I wasn’t being delulu. It was funny to see the yt comments 😂. It was a fun surprise even if it wasn’t planned. Great to see your reactions!🍊