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Hey all! Well, it's been about two weeks since I moved to Colorado and started unpacking and organizing everything into the new house. And it was also about two weeks ago that the US started to go on lockdown (great timing on my part, right?). 

The virus has affected our move in a few ways, and it has affected my shows as well.

First, unpacking and setting up is going slower than I had planned or expected it to. There are several things that I'm currently in the process of purchasing for the new studio like quality sound dampening panels, a new tripod because one broke in transit, some additional odds and ends that will make my studio sound and look the absolute best... A lot of those purchases are on order or are delayed due to shipping constraints, or I'm just adding everything to my shopping cart and holding off on ordering so that I'm not causing more bottlenecking on online shops when none of those things is absolutely crucial or critical.

Since everyone is social distancing, I haven't been able to have volunteers over at our new house to help with unpacking and setting up. Everything has basically fallen on Mr. Snubs and myself. We intended to have my local family, and a few local friends come over to help us with set up but that didn't go as planned. We suspect that one of my local family members, who has been unable to get tested, has coronavirus based on his symptoms. He didn't get bad enough to be put in the hospital on a ventilator but he had several good days and several bad days, reading very similar to explanations of the virus available. He is nearing the end of his 14 day self-quarantine but will be staying home because of the lockdown here in Colorado.

I've been spending a lot of time checking in on them digitally and going to the grocery store whenever they need something, since I'm low risk and have taken courses on safety and sanitation so I know how to disinfect myself and my surroundings. 

Other than that, we're staying home. No furniture store visits, no discovering Colorado, no celebrations with relatives and friends, no housewarming party. But if that's the biggest of my worries, then I have very little to complain about.

On the positive side: While I have seen an influx in folks who have had to leave both my ThreatWire and my personal patreon pages because of lost income, I've also seen several people join and rally support around myself and other creators. Since my work and so many others relies on crowdfunding, the fact that people have chosen to increase their pledges or join Patreon for the first time is a true blessing, when so much about our future is uncertain. The numbers have stayed steady, which is more than I could hope for.

I took these photos yesterday to show how the studio is coming along. I'm using a spare bedroom for my recording and I'm almost there! I still need to get some cabinetry to organize all of my camera gear, and unpack the rest of the boxes in the last photo.

So, with all of that said, thank you for sticking around, be on the lookout for more perks this year, and take care of yourself. 

I say it all the time, and I mean it: Take care of yourself and your loved ones first before backing my Patreon. I never, ever want one of my viewers to sacrifice feeding their family so they can support my work. YOU come first. Always. <3

Stay safe,





Hang in there Shannon. If you need a tripod, I have a spare one I can ship to you. No Charge. I also recommend using these for mounting your lights onto the wall instead of stands. It free's up floor space: https://j.mp/2vVdDKS but also couple them with these: https://j.mp/2X1zGLh


I wish for you as you do for us, that you let the health and safety of you and yours come even before informing us.