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Hey y'all! As I mentioned previously, I have a big announcement for December! Well, I actually have two announcements, but one has to wait a few weeks... A ton of folks asked me to do vlogmas again this year so I decided to go for it again this year! Vlogmas, for anyone who has never heard the term, is 25 days of vlogs throughout the month of December leading up to Christmas. It's a fun way to share the holiday spirit and pay it forward to everyone who wants more content! I'm super excited to do these again, even though I didn't plan anything out. So they're basically going to be daily videos about my life in December. I hope you enjoy these vlogmas videos!! In the meantime, I'm also editing all of my Japan videos and will be posting those as soon as they're ready. I have so much raw data to go through from that trip, so it's taking me a while to get rough edits sorted! Thanks for supporting this crazy passion of mine!




This sounds like fun :-)