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The cute coworker you've been recently starting to date has been the only man who has ever made you feel comfortable sharing your kinky side and sexual fantasies with, and after a little bit of time away from you he decides to share what he's been thinking about doing to you while away  <3

I haven't ever really made anything stalker/cnc themed and this was supposed to be posted on halloween so uh yeah please pretend it's the 31st.

Please note that nothing actually happens to the listener and there is a safeword mention in case they end up following through with it, its just the speaker being an icky pervert and telling you to rub your pussy and get off with him :D.

I didn't want to do what everybody usually does with the slasher ghostface tybe beat audio so i decided to go with a darker theme and a pretty mild approach. I think it could've been much rougher and creepier tbh but I decided agaisnt that as its my first audio with this theme, we'll save that for next time if you guys enjoy this. let me know <3.

here is a little aftercare and 4th wall break file to hopefully snap you back into reality in case this audio makes you feel some uhhhhh, feelings.  



GODD I'M SO ALONEE I NEED A BF LIKE BLOOM IN MY LIFE 😩😩😩❤️ this audio was amazing, pls keep feeding us dark content hoes ❤️❤️

Syd Nicki

Actually so glad that no one has ever been possessive like this with me because I would just have to get married on the spot