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Ok so, posting this a couple days late but this is the last audio for june and I have a lot to say about this genre. I am annoyed somewhat because of how hard I tried to write something of my own for hypno and I simply hit such a massive writers block that I couldnt, not even dropping it for a couple weeks and working on other projects in the mean time. I literally made 4 audios in between the time it took me to make this audio and I am not really happy about that cause usually when I enjoy making a kind of content it comes easy to me, this one was definitely the hardest audio ive ever recorded and edited and most of you will think thats dumb cause its such a simple audio it literally sounds like sexy ASMR more than anything, and thats what annoys me the most. When using just my voice as a tool, Ive hit a mental thing where i simply dont think its ok or good enough to post and it fucks me over while recording, messes up my delivery and inflection and makes me nervous in a bad way, which is something that stopped happening with me a very long time ago. I really like this genre, hypno, whether its sfw or now is something ive listened to for years now and im proud to say i try to make it with the most quality possible cause i know its something that not very many male creators do, but I dont think ill be making anything hypno for a long time after this fill. I find that there might be some big differences for male and female audiences and i dont really know to handle that in my mind (i literally considered just posting the non flipped version of this to GWAgay since I felt like it was so innapropriate for female audiences). I dont know if this is just me obsessing over small details but whatever. Im putting this audio here out of respect for myself and how much time i obsessed and rerecorded and how many times i rewrote lines, but i still kinda hate and dont think its good, might delete it at some point and spend some time making an extra audio to replace it. Call it an exercise to let people make that decision for me, like I said, it sounds more like erotic asmr than anything to me and itll probably put most of you to sleep instead of doing what its intended to. Anyways, yeah, im ready to stop having this rock on my show and focus on the content coming next, which im super excited for.

thank to u/alcaponehlnd on reddit for making this available for a fill for a price.



hi bloomie, thank you for your hard work in making this audio come to life and deciding to release it. i’m sorry it’s such a bitch on your mental though, and if you feel better deleting it in hopes of releasing something you’re more proud of, that’s ok!! for me, i’m pretty sure i experienced the … intended effect 👁️. after seeing the original script, i like the changes you decided to make for the final recording. even with all your doubts prior to releasing this, your judgement was fitting! whatever makes it more realistic for you makes it more immersive for us. and it says a lot about the quality of your work if you’re having this effect with ONLY your voice (which is, ya know, the reductionist reason for why we’re here listening in the first place).


alright yeah i’m gonna need to hear you say “puppy” more often. on a more serious note, i know you weren’t really happy with this one when you released it, but it’s seriously very well done. you do hypno so well; your voice is a perfect blend of soothing and sexy. you make it really easy to “fall under your spell” and lose focus on everything else. thanks for all the work you put in to this and for sharing it <3