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Ok so uhhh let's see if you guys really like hypno. This is pretty intense I can't lie, it was a couple of hours recording, 8 hours of editing to come up with the best hypno I can for the moment being since I have almost no experience for to make this kind of content (recorded inside the new booth!!!!!!)

Be aware, there are mentions of controlling your mind and making you want me, but with implied consent! 

You're sleeping when you suddenly hear a lovely voice calling to you. Asking you to invite him into your dream. This is obviously what you do, what could possibly go wrong. Well... It's an... incubus! Here to wring every last drop of energy from you!

I enjoyed making this a lot, so depending on what on the reception it gets, we may get more, or less of it in that passion project slot of my schedule. Looking forward to a new month of content (and actually being able to keep up) <3

love you guys

Script from u/dibokucres


miss victory

Holy shit. It's midday here in Aus and I'm already losing it because I cannot WAIT to listen to this!!


Please… um… summon him again… that made me feral.


Jesus ..this type of hypno was a new experience for me, but so good, seductive af ..take all of my money 😂. But seriously, Bloom, this is brilliant, you did such a spectacular job ..I’m in awe with your hard work, dedication & editing skills! 👏🏻☺️🫶🏻 P.S the booth definitely heightened the experience if that makes sense 🤔


well, guess i know what i need to get at the store later—a fuckton of salt, because i would most definitely summon this demon again. wonderful work as usual <3 this might be a new favorite


your VOICE🫠💜🧎🏻‍♀️


YOOOO holy shit I can't wait to listen!


decided put on some noise cancelling headphones to listen to this; i can definitely hear the quality/sound difference! i already thought your audios were already well-edited to begin with but this is pretty insane /pos nice shit


blooooooom this came together really nicely! the two voice layering was *muah*. very hot. you’ve been mentioning wanting to do a hypno audio for a minute and i can tell you had fun with this one, even if the recording/editing process was super long. you nailed it!!! yes to more hypno in the future, and excited for all the possibilities with your new recording booth :)

aiden ♡

the editing on this goes crazy!! like how are you inside my brain rn 🤨


That's good! I noticed a big, yet subtle difference in my voice (if that makes any sense????), Idk everything just sounds better inside that little box. I'm glad this style seems to be appreciated here, I loved making it


Fock yeah, that's what I wanted to hear, now I know I'm not crazy for thinking I sound different. And also, about the editing in this style of audio: I'm very much new to it, i think just like how I improved with my acting itself throughout the months I've been here, I also will with this style of editing, so I'm confident it'll get even better/trippier hehe. Thank you for the sweet words para 💜


Fuck yeaaaaa, I'm so happy people are enjoying it :)))))))))))) i will definitely make more of this 💜


I mean, you already were top-notch in pretty much everything imo ..but I get what you’re saying, I can tell there was a difference for sure. I’m happy for you, keep going :)

miss victory

Where to begin? You keep raising the bar and it's such a treat to get to enjoy your art. Thankyou so much 💜

miss victory

I love this. This is so well done that it's difficult to pinpoint the individual moving parts. First listen actually turned into a sleep aid because it hijacked me. I don't think my suspension of disbelief broke once. Straight to the pool room with this one 💜


Bro I’m a changed woman now wtf


Oh mann the layering, the depth, the QUALITYYYY. It's like scratching an itch in my brain 🧠 😌


I’m listening to this stoned out of my mind right now and I think it’s irrevocably altered my core brain chemistry


So good! Brilliant with the voice layering and the low background hum

Syd Nicki

This is the worst bc it literally is my dream

BloomingVA (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-14 20:17:52 cant say how many times ive wished to be woken up by a cute succubus EVEN THO ITLL LITERALLY KILL ME TECHNICALLY
2024-01-03 17:30:36 cant say how many times ive wished to be woken up by a cute succubus EVEN THO ITLL LITERALLY KILL ME TECHNICALLY

cant say how many times ive wished to be woken up by a cute succubus EVEN THO ITLL LITERALLY KILL ME TECHNICALLY