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Hey guys! here is the next page.Sorry for take so long,you wont believe it but I though the page was uploaded, im just a mess sometimes x).Dont worry tho,the next page will be on monday,Ill be sure to upload it correctly.

Anyway im not happy with the result of this page ,Ill have to improve a lot more.

Thank you for your support <3.




It seems he's activated your trap card! (I know I know that's Yu-Gi-Oh not Magic but still...)


I think it would be funny if his girlfriend shows up, to challenge you. XD It would be worse if it is one of your friends is his girlfriend as well. 0_0' Still love it! ;D This looks actually pretty good in Nodrog G and my opinion. Nodrog T suggests to add props in it if you feel your picture is lacking. Still great though. Looking forward to more of your work. XD


And I'm just sitting here, thinking that the outfit from the previous comic page was better :P


Well I play both games,so It wont be a problem if he challenged me to play that too :D!


Would be a good twist yeah :D, Ill try to do something like that soon ^^