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Hi guys! Here I decided to upload this image to catch your attention, because I need to make an announcement about some changes on my patreon page.Those are very important :

-First of all, and the most important I think, is that im gonna change the payment requirements from "Pay for pages" to "Pay for months" , so, first of all, you will only have to pay one time a month ( So it would be less money for you to spend,and it will help me to control this stuff better ).

-Second, as I change the option to "Pay for month" I will have to change a bit the quantity for the rewards, so it will be like this :

-15$/ MONTH: Sketch reward every month

-30$/MONTH: Drawing reward every month

-65$/MONTH: Page comic reward every month

I know is not a huge difference comparing it to the other way, but is more cheaper for sure (20 to 15, 40 to 30,and 80 to 60).

-Third,Ill dedicate this month (November ),to study for exams I have and prepare more pages for the next month (December), where Ill resume the comic with the new changes,and at that point, Ill release a page every week like I do normally.

So yeah, you have this month to think about it, and decide what would you like to do :).Anyway Ill be probably uploading some free content here in this month, be sketches, complete drawings, or other kind of stuff.

Thanks for your attention, love you all <3.




Paying 20$ a month will be a lot easier that way, so I fully support that ^^ As for your exams, I wish you the very very very best luck on them! Take your time and pass them all perfectly :) Always great to hear from you, and good to have a reason to look forward to December. Again hope you do well on your exams. Cheers :)


Thanks for the heads up! Still gonna support you. (^_^) *Screeeee!* Yin is also pleased. Damn Penguin. (v-___-)


Hehehe,thanks, I think is easier for both parts,so im very happy with it ^^.And thanks for the luck, I hope to not need it anyway, but yeah,thanks anyway :P