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Hi guys!  Tomorrow I go in a trip,and wont be back until Monday! thats why I couldnt finish this for tomorrow...

So I though of something to show you,at least, how I work.Here is what a drawing looks like before the coloring and all that stuff.As you can see,the background has some colors (the bed) I do this to know how Ill color the character later.

Also,notice how the face is the most changing thing after sketching, this is because when I draw the face,I start to notice that some other expression fits better.

And then, the color...well, you could help me with that,so why  dont you  tell me what colors would fit her? :P

Notice that there is no tiny, those are added after this "step" ;) 

BTW,Monday Ill finish this drawing,and then Ill upload a comic page.Thank you for your support,and wish me luck,im going to a tournament (the city where Im staying this weekend )

See you later guys <3




This is quite impressive. You have improved nicely. Love to see more in the future.


Also, given her choice of clothing, I would guess some red black would work nicely.


Neat insight on how you work Karsi. Also I suggest black clothes with blue trimming and a maroon hat. Possibly blonde or brown hair with green eyes. :3 Hope that helps and look forward to your return! See you then!