2B's Sex Testing Movie (Patreon)
2b's sex testing station, have you ever wonder what its like, is she going to take control of you and handle you like she handles her fighting weapon, well?
Note - due to High downloads google links may hit a limit away around this is to instead of download it first save it to your personal googledrive then download it from there, Mega links will always work.
[Resolution 4k Oculus - Vive - Index -GearVR] H2.65v - doesn't work on all VR players]
Googledrive - mega <- Longer version Googledrive - mega
[Resolution 4k - Oculus - Vive - Index - GearVR - Best Recommended]
Googledrive - mega <- Longer version Googledrive - mega
[Low Resolution 1k - PS4VR - Smartphone]
Googledrive - mega <- Longer version Googledrive - mega