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Big thank you to everyone and your support for those that have been with us for awhile and those just joining us. I really appreciate every bit of help the more we grow the bigger and better things we can do and provide you with a better experience.

I really have appreciate the feedback from people from talk to you guys i've been working on a few things to make things better.

So some of the newer things going on

Mobile version H.265

So with some of the money in march i managed to get some decent software to convert the VR videos into less bulky files. For some reason it didnt work with sony vegas it doesn't seem to like VR very much! so those will be with every video.

3D scences

I really want to get decent backgrounds for you in VR just to give it that extra immersion. The last few days i've been messing around with splinting images during rendering with layers then combined it after. This has massively reduced render time doing this which is great. (original time would have been 1 month for VR total i know right crazy XD)

if you're interested the process looks like this below

first layer

second layer


March poll

Widowmaker summer version was the victor here i'll be sorting this out soon and get it to you guys!

Preview updates

patreon has recently made its policy a bit stricter with adult content so im not allowed to post even offsite content links publicly to anything adult. Ive tried a few things from censorship to totally safe images but i cant seem to get completely around that so i will have to do it as $1 patreon posts. ill pop it on the tumbler page also for free and mention it some how without links XD.



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