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Hi guys,

Anyone that has been following me throughout the years will know I'm quite open and honest about criticism and I take it on board when it's respectful. But my good friend Yuzoboy has been getting some really harsh criticism recently on Twitter/Discord etc and people are even making Youtube videos dedicated to bashing him lol


(1) "chiptune" artists - YouTube

These are two of the posts in question, I noticed that I myself was dragged into the crossfire and similarly dissed. I'm slightly tempted to make a video addressing this and saying my piece.

Not necessarily to "defend" myself as I know my talent and worth and don't need validation from others. Their words don't hurt me in that way, but I do feel like people are spreading misinformation and just being elitists in general and arrogant.


EDIT I just checked out the Youtube guys channel, and it turns out he actually has a link to my channel to tell ppl to sub me on his page. Not sure what to believe now very strange haha. Still doesn't change the fact how I feel about the other people though but still strange stuff



Chad Serrant

I can guarantee "Some bookheaded dumbass" has never tried to arrange or remix music (if it's so easy, why aren't they doing it?). I find it's really easy for people to complain but they're always the last to try.

Taylor Russell

Yikes. Pretty sad how much they miss the point about what folks like you do, assuming they're actually missing the point in the first place and aren't just trying to drum up clout by actively ignoring the facts and starting drama. On one hand, I'd love to hear your side and set the record straight, but on the other I can't help but feel like its playing into their hand somehow, you know? damned if you do, damned if you don't. Shitty situation to be in, man, whatever you choose to do, though, I'm here for ya.


Yeah I’m more sad for Yuzoboy personally as he is the one getting the majority of the heat and flames. People love what he does hence his huge following people are just jealous. I don’t personally get affected by such attacks as I know my talents, and I have actually made remixes completely from scratch on multiple occasions, i just dont have the time to do it on a regular basic, and now with my Patreon following growing on the side too it wud be near impossible


The guy that made that comment it actually a talented guy whos done midi arrangements in the past who i have actually interacted with so I found it disappointing he name dropped me in such a negative way. Alot of these people are really anal about remixes being strict to real hardware limitations(fm channels 1 channel for samples and 3 psg channels


When I was a kid I would look up remixes for Sonic Adventure 2 and would seldom find anything worth hearing and a lot of the time it was 16 bit and 8 bit remixes of tracks from the game. I would get pissed and considered a music a downgrade from what was already in the game without even listening to it. As I got older I realized what a dumb and close minded mindset that was, I feel like those guys are in the same mindset at the moment. Now I find myself listening to Digital love by daft punk, looking up a remix on YouTube and sure enough the one I like most is your remix on it renegade. Hopefully these guys can learn to appreciate the hard work being done


I'll be the first to admit that my earliest remixes were pretty terrible! just straight up "midi slap"s without even listening to the originals much. I used to used soundfonts when I first started out cause I didn't know any better, but then as the years went on, I started to discover better technology and tools, and with that my craft was sharpened. But the argument here by these guys is using a MIDI is automatically bad, you have no talent, and you are misleading people which is complete BS lol

The Shoe

You're good, bro. Your talent & quality speaks for itself in the dope remixes you CONSTANTLY put out. Let the haters hate 😎


I literally don't understand the need to spread pointless negativity like that.


I grew up listening to MIDI files, they're just as much a valid instrument as a guitar or a regular piano. Someone was jealous of your obvious talent for this!! I've tried making a couple of remixes based off MIDI files and they don't sound HALF as good as yours!!! I'm listening to your Venus cover as I type this :-)


I can guarantee that the people complaining don't understand that MIDI is used commonly in remixes, regardless if it's a chiptune or not. MIDI allows you to see how the instruments are used and can help you learn the notes.

Michael St. George

If you do make a video, don't mention anyone by name. Don't give anyone the satisfaction of being responded to directly, or let anyone think that you're ‘on the defensive’ or ‘excusing yourself or others’. If you make a video on the subject of MIDIs and making remixes with them, let it just be detailing the pros and the cons and discussing how it's done and why it might be a viable or even preferred option for some content creators. Sometimes the best rebuttal is not even a rebuttal at all but a reason for someone not to make the same argument again. 🙂 Also, sometimes people respond to information better when they don't see it as an assault on or substitute for their viewpoints. #Diplomacy