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Taylor Russell

YEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!! I've been waiting for this onnnnne!!!!! Auuugh! this is done so well too! Believe me, I've listened to other 8-bit/16-bit covers of this song (because as said before, I have an inexplicable and bizarre love of the infinite corniness that is ABBA) and this one is literally the best. God this made me happy. I'm smilin' ear to ear!

Taylor Russell

ooooooooh I can't wait! It's already so good! Especially that lead guitar in the beginning, you'd be shocked how many bit-cover peeps somehow make that part so underwhelming. Oh and I also wanted to gush about the section starting at 0:49. It's like... PERFECT. Some covers go too hard and drown out the meaning of the restrained instrumentation, but then again other covers don't go hard enough! Your version hits that balance excellently! Jesus look at me, I'm a 32 year old man screaming about fucking ABBA. What is my life??? Eh, fuck it, this song made me super happy and I can't wait to hear the final version! Lookin' forward to those classic Renegade pitch-bends!

Taylor Russell

Even better the second time around