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I've got some amazing news. For the past two days I was pulling my hair out trying to get this damn program to compile properly. https://github.com/nmlgc/aosdk

After getting close to giving up, I started to post on the HCS forums hoping one of the devs would be able to help me out, and low and behold they did! I've been playing with this thing for hours now and have managed to Extract the following MIDI files:
SFA3 Guile, Fei Long, T Hawk, Dee Jay. Pretty Much whole OST for Dead or Alive 2, Shenmue 1 and 2, and Virtua Fighter 3

I am so hyyype to finally remix some of these songs I haven't been able to for years.



Chad Serrant

Mad props to the devs for helping you out. Also I love A3's Fei Long stage, it's great!