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Good afternoon guise,

After alot of interaction woith some of you recently, and reflection. I have decided to change my approach in terms of fulfilling requests.

At the moment I have a HUGE backlog of requests, dating all the way back to early 2018. While this is a good thing as it keeps me busy, and it gives me great pleasure to give you guys what you ask for, it is very hard for me to keep the uploads regular, while still keeping the content high.

As you guys probably know, I am the only person running my YouTube channel(s), I don't have a team, I am not sponsored by anyone, and I work fulltime. The majority of my income from my monetised videos seems to come from the following series (Sonic, Mario, Mega Man) and anything else, seems to pale in comparison when it comes to views and revenue. This is the reason I take a break from requests at times, to focus on doing a whole block of remixesr of my own choice (like the recent batch of Sonic remixes that I did).

But back to the original point of requests. Some of my Patreons have more requests fulfilled than others, some even haven't had a single request fulfilled yet. I assure you this is not favouritism, but it is me selecting which songs to remix, based on how well I think they will do views & revenue wise, but also how quickly I feel that I can turn the remix around and get it finished.

If a MIDI file for a song doesn't exist, and I am unable to extract one from VGM2mid (genesis games), VGMTrans (Q-Sound capcom games, some PS1 games, SNES games), this means I have to make it from scratch. I am not trying to discourage anyone from making their requests obscure, or asking you to make less requests. I am just letting you guys know some of the difficulties I face getting my remixes completed.

In conclusion, I have a whole excel spreadsheet, and notepad document, of all the requests you guys have ever made from me. I am not ignoring you, or forgetting about what you have asked for, I am working on them bit by bit every day, on top of all the other personal remixes I already had planned, and life getting in the way too.

I have decided to try my best to make some of you feel less left out, and start prioritising my request based remixes, based on how many requests I have done for that specific Patron, rather than how popular I think the remix will be, or how difficult it will be to pull off.

Trying my best to strike a balance and keep over 30 people satisfied at once is not an easy task. But I love and appreciate you all, and you motivate and inspire me to get even better, and also remix songs that I didn't even know existed, and to create more songs from scratch and rely less on MIDI files, which I actually really enjoy doing, just feel like I don't have as much time to do it.

Thank you all for your patience, and support over the years, regardless of how much money you are able to pledge, and even if you are a follower without pledging any money, I still appreciate your support and input/suggestions.




That's alright! I'm also struggling with requests on my channel, but you just do the best that you can!


thats alright! I know a lot of my requests are for obscure games. But if you're thinking about getting more views and money.. how about the remix request for the City Hunter game song? this year is the 30th anniversary of the anime! im sure a lot of people would like it (especially Japanese). Secondly, I can help translate your songs/ game titles of your videos into Japanese to help you get more audiences


Funny you say that, City hunter was the first request out of the pc engine list you made that I was planning to tackle, i Love me some sunsoft. I dont mind obscure but when it is a game that is from a soundtrack that is non chiptune based and cd audio (like Tekken 5 for example) there is no software for me to isolate each track one by one, making it harder to work out by ear. Not impossible, but very hard. Thats a bigger obstacle than obscurity. Alot of your requests have been genesis or snes games, which is a doddle for me to remix as I have software that allows me to extract near perfect MIDI files for those two consoles


Hey, I'm back I had some problems and my patreon stopped supporting you without my knowledge, anyway has the songs I asked been put on hold of have they been discarded, if so I still would like the crazy backup dancers from touhou 16 to be requested